26 April 2009

Movie time... or not.

Note to self - 23 months is not a good age to watch a movie in the theatre.

We tried to take you to the Disney movie Earth today. You sat nicely for about 1/2 hour, but then things turned sour. At first you tried putting your face between the two seats in front of us, but that was short-lived since there were two people sitting there. Then you wanted to shove napkins through the pop holders, and since they had a hole in the bottom, all the napkins fell on the floor. So then you thought it was a good idea to lie down and roll in the cesspool of stickiness. Once we got you peeled off the floor, there was no turning back, and we lost all hope for a peaceful theatre experience.

We ended up leaving the movie early.

Translation, please???

As much as we try to understand what you're saying, sometimes we just have NO idea! You seem to have created your own little language that makes no sense to us. The following are some of the words we HAVE figured out!

dah dat = Seseme Street
pone = phone
des = drive
keck = Shreck
dis = Phylis (neighbor lady)
wah wah = water
tee tee = pretty (barrette or pony tail in her hair)
gah geet = jacket
cah dat = Carmen
doos = juice
dat do = playdough
tees = cheese
what = light
dell = bell (on her bike)
dees = please
dat doo = thank you
wav woo = love you
teet tee = blanket
duck = stuck
teet = treat (when going on the potty)
ca keet = chocolate
cah cah = candy
wok = rock
gook = book
daff = bath
daff = giraffe
dis = kiss
tees = teeth (as in brushing teeth)
po wo = pillow

You're getting too smart for us already! It's amazing how much you learn every day, and it's the little things that you pick up on that shock me the most. Some examples - how to undo a necklace, where I hid the cookies, where you left your purple tee tee (barrette), how to pedal the bike that's clearly too big for you, how to buckle yourself in the high chair, how to velcro your shoes, which clothes I've already folded (so you can knock over the pile), which side of the crib you prefer to face, and which switch is the "on" button on my sewing machine.

I fear the coming of your adolescent years. You have never been the sit-around-and-cuddle type of gal, and I think it will be difficult to know when you truly need our help/advice. I already find it hard to challenge you. You are full of determination, and your mind is an endless domain waiting to be enhanced.

23 April 2009

In the beginning

Despite my good intentions to keep up with a hand-written journal account of your life, my Dearest Victoria, well... let's just say it leaves something to be desired.

As you will learn soon enough, I have a great relationship with procrastination. (I hope you inherited your father's ambition!) I did actually purchase a journal to write in, but I believe I only wrote in it twice... maybe three times... during your 693 days of existence. Wait, I take that back. I may have even started it before you were born. It's been so long, I don't even remember. Another sad truth is that I can't remember when I last updated your baby book. But I haven't failed completely as a record-keeping mom! I did write down all your big happenings on the calander - including when your teeth popped through, when you used the potty for the first time, etc. So the information has been stored... just not in an orderly fashion.

So... I've taken all the bottled-up good intentions and decided to finally put them to use!

Let's start at the beginning, even though we're obviously passed that now. I knew your father was the one for me since the day we met. He was a friend of a friend's friend's boyfriend. Ha! Did you follow that?

Ummmm, maybe that's going back too far. Let's start again. Oh heck, I don't really even know where to start! How about yesterday. That's pretty fresh on my mind, and I'm sure I can fill you in on the rest at some point!

You have known how to use the potty for nearly 6 months now. But we haven't really worked with you on getting rid of the diapers, until recently. Last night (and by last night, I mean all evening after I got home from work) was a great night!! You had no accidents, even when the babysitter came for an hour-and-a-half! You went potty three times in 2 hours. I think the M&M incentive had something to do with it... but either way... great job!!! I was a little nervous that the babysitter put you in bed without a diaper while I was gone, but you were still dry when I got home! Whooo hoooo!!!!